Scoville Units Unite

25 Mar

Support an Open Source project

One of the reasons I have been playing around with WordPress is because it is Open Source. I have been using various Open Source projects for a while, not zealously, but when they are the best alternative for a given task – or at least good enough for what I do.

Current software I am using include WordPress, OpenOffice, Linux (Tablet PC), Firefox (and Phoenix before that) and numerous other bits and bobs including at work.

It is one of my goals for the year to find time to contribute towards at least one open source project. I have been unable to donate hours so today donated $2 to Google SiteMap Generator. This plug in automatically generates a site map for you as frequently as you wish. Really useful and has saved me more than $2 in the time to manually generate one using Audit My PC or similar.

What Open Source software do you use and have you contributed anything back – from cash to code to bug reports?

24 Mar

Labour in disarray Part 2

Tonight’s Evening Telegraph is basically a John Letford Resigns Special.

He claims to have a long list of reasons for resigning but only reveals one:

I have been trying to persuade my ex-colleagues for nearly two years to recognise the fact that, in the interests of the city and fair play, Dundee City Council committee conveners should be compiled from all parties

Mr Letford said that was more than self-evident when the SNP, as the largest single party on the council with 13 members, had been excluded from any role in the administration. The situation had been made worse since the SNP increased to 14 members—almost half the 29-member council— by winning the Maryfield by-election earlier this month.

It is ludicrous to believe all the political talent required to run a city is only available in the administration and exclude half of the councillors

My pleas fell on deaf ears and, because of that and other serious differences, I felt I could no longer stay a member of the administration and the Labour group.

This afternoon was Labour’s chance to throw some mud. Jim McGovern implied that he was only interested in keeping his allowance as Lord Provost and that he no longer has principles. Clearly he missed Labour trying to form an even wider alliance of everyone but the SNP in an effort to keep their convenership allowances. That doesn’t mean his charge isn’t true, just a bit short sighted.

Kevin Keenan was next in a bizarre move claiming that Labour intend to nominate an SNP councillor,Liz Fordyce, for Depute Lord Provost. Liz Fordyce laughed off the proposal – showing it to be well thought out.

Ernie Ross was wheeled out to prattle on, his nonsense included claiming Labour are a democratic socialist party. That would be wrong on both counts Ernie you rent a quote former MP. (Ernie once tried to defend voting for war to me in the street making the ludicrous claims that because Tony Blair repeated a lie that didn’t mean he wasn’t telling the truth)

Jill Shimi who sent her kids to a private school whilst making ludicrous claims about how great the state schools in the city are was also wheeled out alongside Chic Farquhar. Shimi said nothing of importance. Farquhar makes a decent point, that the constituents voted for a Labour candidate and Letford should resign and force a by election.

Unfortunately the Labour first preference results for the ward show Letford scoring 1385 votes, Ferguson 940 and cueball Hind trailing on 479. (Hind and Fergusons results being unexpectedly reversed following an anonymous smear campaign from sources unknown saying to vote Ferguson instead of Hind). With Letfird having 49.3% of the Labour vote and being elected on Round 3 with Ferguson on Round 9 it seems like a rearrange the deckchairs strategy from Labour.

The Evening Telegraph also confirmed the dates I couldn’t find on a quick lunchtime Google search.

Labour have run the council since 1980 and have been in charge since 1946 for all but 11 years. No doubt it’s those 11 years that all the city’s problems were created…

24 Mar

Labour in disarray

In the 2007 Council elections the balance of power had shifted to 13 SNP councillors, 10 Labour, 3 Tories, 2 Liberal Democrat and 1 Independent. Borthwick, the independent had previously stated – correctly – that it was undemocratic for Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Tories to deny the SNP their place in the administration.

One of the SNP councillors resigned as councillor and prompted a by election. The SNP won this comfortably with 48.89% of the first votes.

Earlier this year a Labour councillor resigned. At the by election the SNP again won it comfortably.

This shifted the balance to 14 SNP, 9 Labour, 3 Tory, 2 Liberal Democrat and 1 Independent. Needing 15 for a majority it seemed clear that the SNP would take power with Borthwick as kingmaker, and in this case democrat.

Today there was a shock though. John Letford, the Lord Provost and most prominent member of the Labour Party in the city resigned the Labour group and now sits as an independent.

This shifts it to 14 SNP, 8 Labour, 3 Tory, 2 Liberal Democrats and 2 Independents. The two independents being Lord Provost and Depute Lord Provost can probably show what deal is being struck.

In the course of 6 years Labour have went from largest Councillor group to being 3 behind at the election, losing 2 by elections by clear margins and a defection. A defection of their most prominent, well known, longest serving councillor? and to be fair, most well liked member in the city.

It is worth noting the thoughts of the Labour Party spokesman after the by election. He is anonymous but believed to be former Information Minister in Iraq.

We are pleased that Labour increased our share of the vote in what the SNP were convinced was a very safe council seat for them.

Coupled with recent by-election wins, it shows that the momentum is moving from away from the SNP.

Of course reality, as ever, contradicts the Labour Party.

Dundee Councillors 1995 to 2009

Dundee Councillors 1995 to 2009

Jim McGovern has written a piece on his site.

In it he implies that John Letford has no principles and is only out to line his own pockets. He also mocks him for a claim he made about what was at his core – Labour and the Trade Union Movement.

Quick Quiz:
If you cut the Labour Party in two what would you find?

(Comedy Option: 2 Tory parties)

19 Mar

Tech Talk

On Wednesday I attended a meeting of Scottish Developers with a talk given by Michael Briggs on SEO.

It was quite interesting. Some of the information I knew already. Some I did not. The stuff I already knew I have put into place on blogs/sites etc. The stuff I learned I plan to prioritise and work into sites in the near future. He pointed out some of the things squirrelled away in Googles Webmaster Tools. I had previously used it for adding site to directory and adding a sitemap. Some of the stuff I hadn’t noticed is very cool though.

I also realised something about ping servers so added a load to the blog and am away to publish the first post to loads of them. Lets see what happens.

Disclaimer: one of the things he talked about were valid mark up and his site does not have this (probably his blog theme to be fair, something I have wrestled with).

17 Mar

Words Plus Plus

I dislike deliberate misspellings. There, I said it. Typos, mashing the keyboard, relying on a spell checker but not a grammar checker are all expected.

I rarely text and when I do I try to, on a shit keyboard, use correct spelling. I understand that two differs in meaning from to and too. I don’t understand compromising a 2 or 3 character word into 1. Paying by the character are we? R is a letter, are is a word.

From the ever reliable Wikipedia

Communication is commonly defined as “the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs…”, 1: an act or instance of transmitting and 3 a: “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior … also: exchange of information”.

It is thus with disdain I read of the imminent re-branding of the SciFi channel.

SciFi is an abbreviation of Science Fiction. The new name will be SyFy, which is not. Additionally, it sounds like an abbreviation of a venereal disease. Apparantly this is what the hip kids would abbreviate Science Fiction to.

SyFy barely comes up on a search and in fact doesn’t seem to appear before the last month or so.

Under what circumstances would you compress Science Fiction to SyFy? I don’t understand the International Phonetic Alphabet but would that not be a completely different pronunciation?

When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it … It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.

Let’s look at this:

Who are the techno savvy kids? Are they trying to appeal to dance music fans or something.

It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip


And finally: which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.

This is marketing fuckwit for which was our aim. Maybe he wants to touch base with someone offline to collaborate on a making yourself look like a twat solution.

16 Mar

The Morality of Organised Religion

No doubt those who know me have heard me prattle on about a number of seperate but interlinked topics such as religion, secularism and abortion rights.

If you needed a better reason to doubt that religion is the basis of morality and irreligion is the basis of amorality it is the recent case from Brazil.

A nine year old girl was systematically raped by her stepfather for a number of years. She eventually fell pregnant to twins. At nine years old.

Her doctors sensibly advised that she have a termination due to having the body of a nine year old and thus having a very high if not certain chance of death giving birth. Her mother supported the decision and the doctors carried it out.

Then along came the celibate ranks of the Catholic Church.

Shock and Horror, Hell and Damnation they spouted. Abortion is a sin don’t you know. Can’t have that sort in our church they proclaimed.

Cast them out like the imaginary demons they exorcise in Latin.

Excommunication for the child’s mother and the sinful doctors who save her life. The girl herself is fine, too young to be at fault – just like her foetus in heaven or Limbo or whatever the line is now. She can remain in the church. Her and her step-father. The multiple rapist (who also molested her mentally disabled sister).

Rape children or be a fascist dictator (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco) and you’re a-ok. Just repent your sins on your deathbed and it’s straight to heaven with you. You can also stay a member of the church.

Save the life of a nine year old rape victin – begone, out ye go and probably straight to hell when you die.

02 Mar

Curry and Enchiladas

Saturday nights tea was another attempt at home made curry from scratch. Unfortunately we had not separated the chicken breasts before freezing them so I had to defrost the whole pack. I now had to make a monster curry. It was an improvement on before, sweeter and not as runny sauce but it still wasn’t quite right. The sauce was pretty bland. Need to re-read the recipe book to see what I need to do to add a bit more flavour to it.

There were of course leftovers, lots of.

Sunday night I was considering the leftovers and realised we hadn’t made enchiladas yet. We had bought a glass dish for lasagne and it would be perfect. We had reams of home made curry which was comprised of peppers, mushrooms, chilli, chicken and rice. Perfect for a filling. I through that on to reheat with some fajita seasoning and made the sauce. We opted for garlic, onion, chilli and a tin of plum tomatoes. When it was done, popped in oven with cheese on top of the sauce layer over the tortillas filled with curry. Took about 20 minutes or so. Whilst we were waiting on it baking I made some quesadillas with mild cheddar and a spicy sauce. Superb again, although very filling.

The enchiladas were pretty good. We managed to fit 5 wraps into the dish. But there was still leftovers.

(until 2 hours later when I scoffed the remaining).

It was a pretty good strategy. I think we will count enchiladas as a curry/fajita leftovers meal and plan accordingly for next weekend.

I bought some cornflour so will borrow or pick up a cheap rolling pin to attempt to make tortillas next. If it’s successful and works out cost effective I may go for a tortilla press and the proper flour online.

02 Mar

March the First Films

Yesterday was a bit of a relaxing day so amongst the things that occupied our time were two movies.


One was Zombies, a cheesy cheapo horror about zombie kids. Or ghosts or something. Pretty boring and plot holes you could drive a bus through. There are kids who were trapped underground, but are now zombies and/or ghosts. Also they are above ground now, and they are undead. They attack people and kill and eat them, but only at night, and only if you are a descendent of the people responsible for them dying, unless you are related to them or also a stranger.

That paragraph was intentionally written in as confusing manner as the plot. The acting was appalling, the dialogue was worse and the characters were as stupid as you expect from a horror, never mind a horror this bad. Also the first proper ghost/zombie attack isn’t until about a third of the way through.

An example of how bad this film is.

Towards the end, the crowd of zombie kids have assembled watching the heroes, as they have done before. Standing in silence. The cliché hick goes (paraphrasing):

There will be no stopping them, not if they are all riled up and I think they are tonight

As they stand there staring and slowly moving towards their target. Slowly moving for dramatic effect, not because they were slow zombies or anything.

I like bad horror. I like cheesy horror. I don’t like bad or cheesy horror that doesn’t acknowledge that it is bad or cheesy.

Utter garbage.

Mona Lisa Smile

After tea we watched Mona Lisa Smile, which was superb. A film set at an all girls college in the 50s has Julia Roberts as Katherine Watson, some kind of liberal subversive putting dangerous thoughts into the womens head such as You don’t have to just be a housewife.

One of my favourite quotes from Katherine Watson was:

I thought I was headed to a place that would turn out tomorrow’s leaders, not their wives!

This was the culmination of frustrating conversations such as the following

Katherine Watson: It says here that you’re pre-law. What law school are you going to go to?
Joan Brandwyn: I hadn’t really thought about that. After I graduate, I plan on getting married.
Katherine Watson: And then?
Joan Brandwyn: [confused] And then… I’ll be married.

Really good film, strong cast, well acted, great dialogue. Such a contrast to Zombies

28 Feb

Amusing Tale of Protest

Mark Steel has written an amusing entry on his blog about taking his kid to an anti-war march and the point where you notice a change in your life.

For some people Mark Steel went from being Double Plus Funny to Double Plus Unfunny overnight. Thankfully I don’t have anyone telling me what to think so can still have my own opinion about such matters.

Poignant and funny at the same time.

Oh for God’s sake, they’re not going to break down the embassy with balsa wood. Then he added Come on dad, let’s get to the gates.

No I think it’s safer to stay here, I advised.

COME ON, he insisted, and we shuffled through the squashed crowd to get nearer the front. Why don’t we all invade the Israeli embassy? he asked, and whoever was stood next to us answered Because the Israeli embassy is better protected than Buckingham Palace.

Well then let’s invade Buckingham Palace, he said.

25 Feb

Freethought Radio

One of the numerous podcasts I listen to whilst working is the excellent FreeThought Radio, produced by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.


They have a wide range of topics and guests to do with atheism, secularism, humanism, philosophy etc. Some of the guests are excellent, some not so much, but it’s such a diverse view you get it’s worth wading through the occasional bad one.

RSS feed for show.

One topic frequently covered is the rights of oppressed groups, such as LGBT, African Americans, and women (Annie Laurie Gaylor, one of the presenter is the daughter of Anne Nicol Gaylor, a pioneer for abortion rights)

Show 132 which was particularly excellent.

Topic: Prop 8 & the Religious War Against Gay Rights The show will be devoted to an expose of the religious backing of Proposition 8, to deny same-sex marriage to California residents via a Nov. 4 ballot initiative. Listen for clips of religious ads, and of religious leaders inveighing against gay marriage. FFRF Lifetime Member and Gay Atheist founder Dick Hewetson will be interviewed about Proposition 8 and the religious war against gay rights.

Show 132 is a particular highlight and well worth listening to.

A word of warning, Dan Barker, the other host, used to be a minister. Although this means he has an excellent grasp of the Bible and criticism of it, he still loves playing songs on his guitar about his belief. Some of these are excellent, some are a bit cringe worthy.

Some of the excellent tracks he plays, and has others play are Bread & Roses, Nothing Fails Like Prayer, It Ain’t Necessarily So, No Gods, No Masters

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