Scoville Units Unite

Archive for the 'Random' Category

03 Jun

Keeping down the inbox count

Catching up on my blog list has been fun. I was reading about the policy of E-mail zero where you aim to keep your inbox at 0 e-mails at all times by constantly properly filing your mail. Having fallen behind around 2 years ago mines is ever growing. I figured going for RSS zero was […]

19 May

Check mate

Just found out that my Uncles brother-in-law Ben died today. He had been ill for a few years and was one of the friendliest guys you could ever meet. He taught me to play Chess when I was 5 holidaying in Aviemore. It was something which really set the seeds for my interest in games, […]

18 May

First Search Consultancy – SEO cowboys with a different technique

I am used to seeing all the scam letters from SEO companies guaranteeing first place on Google etc. Lately a friend has been getting pestered by phone calls. Today she had one from Google. Or at least a company impersonating Google. The company was First Search Consulting (). A bunch of snake-oil selling cowboys. I […]

16 May

A Winner is Me! 2

Well I have just won my second competition in 6 months. On the SSP site there is a monthly competition run with philosophy football. I just won their Miners Strike t-shirt. The new competition is to win an International Brigader t-shirt. Edit – which I won too!

17 Apr

Wrong numbers

My landline keeps acting in bizarre fashion. I keep getting wrong numbers and recently someone claimed to have tried to contact me several times and I never got their voicemail. Just checked the voicemail there and had 2 for Joanne, 1 for Kevin and 1 from a plumber installing a shower in Riverview Terrace and […]

19 Mar

Tech Talk

On Wednesday I attended a meeting of Scottish Developers with a talk given by Michael Briggs on SEO. It was quite interesting. Some of the information I knew already. Some I did not. The stuff I already knew I have put into place on blogs/sites etc. The stuff I learned I plan to prioritise and […]

28 Feb

Amusing Tale of Protest

Mark Steel has written an amusing entry on his blog about taking his kid to an anti-war march and the point where you notice a change in your life. For some people Mark Steel went from being Double Plus Funny to Double Plus Unfunny overnight. Thankfully I don’t have anyone telling me what to think […]

16 Feb


Some other things have been taking up part of my time over the past two months, cowboy builders, craft fairs, work on other sites so I have a wee bit of a backlog of things to post. These include: At least 3, possibly 4 vodka reviews Spicy burger reviews, with pics, woo blog living up […]

27 Jan

Links Links Links

Recently on UGS I started a thread to keep any UGSers blogs in one place as we kept posting all over the place when someone created one. I figure I can make an exception to the post a paragraph on every link rule to help support the bloggers in that community. Loads of random reads, […]

18 Jan

Get on yer Bike

I have been trying to get my work to enter the Cycle2Work scheme. Looks quite positive although it is on hold until the new office is complete around September. Unfortunately that’s the time of year I’d be least likely to start cycling seeing as it will be starting to have heavy showers. I figure if […]

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