Scoville Units Unite

21 Jan

First Search Consultancy send in the lawyers

An SEO company previously discussed here with a dubious reputation has sent in the lawyers against someone who posted about them.

Apparently them phoning up people claiming to be from Google and people reporting this is grounds to send in legal threats.

In the actual thread a number of people posted their experience with the company (the post was third in Google when you searched for the company). These included people claiming to be former and current customers and former staff.

A boss then waded in claiming that their staff did no such thing. His rambling run on sentences were something to behold. Then a number of testimonials appeared from satisfied customers with a very similar writing style. He then posted again claiming people writing bad things about his company were all working for his competitors.

3 Responses to “First Search Consultancy send in the lawyers”

  1. 1
    Tom Says:

    Mike Lancaster was the same with me on the phone. He tried to intimidate me by suggesting what people had written was slanderous. Someone needs to teach him the difference between slander and lible for starters. The fact of the matter is that none of these complainants have any interest other than getting back the money which was payed in good will for a service which was consequently not received. I am sure that if those who feel that they have been ripped off by Storm Media (or one of its other names) should be able to gather evidence by accessing their Google Analytics account. This should show whether the service they have received is as it should be.

  2. 2
    Alan G Says:

    What amuses me most about these people is how they manage to have damaging things about them still appear on the first page of search results.

    Surely if they could engineer that not happening as well as good phrases for them appearing high up, i.e. “SEO services” and not “SEO Services X Town” they might be able to show that they can do what they claim to be able to do for clients.

  3. 3
    Mia Says:

    I too was cold-called by First Search aka Unitel Direct, and succumbed to their incredibly devious, accelerated patter, including insisting I must pay upfront (stupid stupid fell for it. How do they sleep?)

    They ‘designed’ hah! me a website – i.e. I spent several gruelling months training the er ‘designer’ how to do it. There were inumerable delays and obfuscations, finally it went live on Dec 1, 2010.
    6 months later, having not received one single email enquiry from the contacts page, I discover through Statcounter, that hundreds of people had visited the site and many had tried to get in contact. Another few gruelling weeks communication with Unitel later, it appears at last to be working, but of course Unitel, won’t offer compensation for the loss of potentially tens of thousands of £s worth of work and refuse to take any blame. Dealings with Unitel are frustrating, Kafkaesque – your sanity is at risk, let alone your pocket.

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