Scoville Units Unite

23 Jul


I’ve neglected to post here for a bit so will wrap up some bits and bobs together.


Have watched quite a few films recently, the best being In My Fathers Den which was superb. I tried to find the book online but it was quite expensive.

Other recent watches included Sickle (appalling), We Don’t Live Here Anymore (great), Crow 4 (hahahahaha – kiss the bride mother fucker) and various others I forget.


I got the new Spyamp album which was quite good and went to first gig in a while – Hazey Janes, Ian MacAuley Trio, Dropkick and Riley Briggs (guy from Aberfeldy) which was good fun.

Random Coding

Fannied about with a website for a bit, installed a CMS as a test – haven’t progressed very far. Spent £5 to verify account and got £80 of Google Adwords so I am currently experimenting with a week long campaign to see how much you need to spend to get clicks etc.

On Wednesday I went to a presentation to see a coding tool being developed at Dundee University called Code Rocket. It looks quite useful for using documentation more effectively and dealing with legacy code. Expecting details of the beta test through at work so hopefully can play about with it at home too.


I have been reading through the advance copy of Dungeon Crawl again to help proof read it. It’s about 2 years since I last did so I think. Should be finally released soon though if Biff can stop flip flopping about what amazing stuff to include with this game to help smack the shit out of you.

There’s also a Hero Quest forum there for retro nerdness.

I also picked up two new adventures for Faery’s Tale seeing as my niece has been hounding me to play it with her again.

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