Scoville Units Unite

Archive for the 'Rant' Category

17 Mar

Words Plus Plus

I dislike deliberate misspellings. There, I said it. Typos, mashing the keyboard, relying on a spell checker but not a grammar checker are all expected. I rarely text and when I do I try to, on a shit keyboard, use correct spelling. I understand that two differs in meaning from to and too. I don’t […]

16 Mar

The Morality of Organised Religion

No doubt those who know me have heard me prattle on about a number of seperate but interlinked topics such as religion, secularism and abortion rights. If you needed a better reason to doubt that religion is the basis of morality and irreligion is the basis of amorality it is the recent case from Brazil. […]

22 Feb

Remake Roundup

Reading various sources, mainly SciFiNow, has revealed a slew of remakes on the way, the ones worth pointing out are: Orphanage, 2 years old and being remade because a section of the movie liking audience are too xenophobic to cope with subtitles and foreign dialogue. Fuck, em if they wish to miss this fine film […]

17 Feb

Can’t Be Long Now?

Having trawled through old e-mails clearing up my inbox I came across the lyrics to a couple of songs. These were Tramp the Dirt Down and The Day That Thatcher Dies. At 83 it can’t be long now surely? One of the days where I smiled most was reading that her dementia was so bad […]

20 Jan

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

I think that Graham Linehan* sums it up. * He of Father Ted, Black Books and IT Crowd fame.

06 Jan

Protests Continue Against Israeli Brutality

No doubt many people have seen the pictures of Orthodox Jews in New York protesting against the invasion which today resulted in the bombing of a school. What has not been as widely reported are the demos in Israel against the action One account described the slogans/banners and the hoops they had to jump through […]

04 Jan

Tanned Man Trousers More Dodgy Cash

Seems a certain tanned celeb has taken some money from Silvio Berlusconi, owner of Endemol. A multimillionaire politician and media tycoon responsible for the harassment and mass fingerprinting of the Roma population in Italy and trying to make himself immune to prosecution for his corrupt terms in power. After taking a massive amount of cash […]

01 Jan

A New Year

And it starts with the news that the Israeli military are bombing the shite out of Palestinians…again. Easy to see another election is looming. 96 years and 230+ wars (28 ongoing) after the war to end all wars. Israel have been blockading medical supplies to Palestine for months and one of their ships rammed a […]

18 Dec


In Glasgow and the shop that I used to buy SKYY no longer stocks it. In Edinburgh the next week and not only did the swanky hotel only have Vladivar (at four bloody pounds!), Oddbins have been having trouble buying in Reyka. If Brown’s ridiculous use of anti-terrorism laws against Iceland have stopped this beautiful […]

02 Dec

More Whitewash

It looks like the jury can’t decide on a verdict of unlawful killing after the execution of Jean Charles de Menezes. I remember the day unfolding and posting in the thread on UGS being sceptical about the numerous claims made by the Police: he was running, was challenged, had heavy clothing to conceal a bomb […]

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