Scoville Units Unite

Archive for the 'Rant' Category

10 Mar

Tommy ‘Pathological Liar’ Sheridan Convicted of Perjury

Originally written December 2011 To quote the Hives Hate To Say I Told You So. Tommy Sheridan has been convicted of perjury. To his acolytes this is a surprise. Even the ones who know he did and also committed perjury on his behalf. To anyone paying attention this was inevitable. To those involved in these […]

14 Dec

The Police Are Lying Again

I miss the good old days of UGS where I would in real time point out the errors in police statements around such incidents as the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes. After the student protests last week there were a couple of gems in the news. The most indicative single article though is this […]

18 Oct

Are Insight Magazine running a scam?

A magazine in Birmingham phoned a friend offering her advertising. Using pressure sales techniques they convinced her to buy advertising space. Part of this was using misleading information – that they distribute in Harrods etc. According to their website they distribute in Asda. She was not happy. They then called again repeatedly. They managed to […]

26 Aug

Will it not just fucking die already?

Opened the papers this morning to find that Channel 4 and it’s various offshoots are still off limits. It appears the last series of Big Brother was not really the last series and they have beat the dead horse even further. Like something from a parody the walking dead are still there. Having churned out […]

21 Jul

Health and Safety gone mad!

Hardly a day goees by without one of the scummy papers ranting about Health and Safety gone mad. These new rules always provoke outrage and rage and anger, but of course only in the mind of the readersand writers of these sorts of papers. The worst of course being the Hitler supporting Daily Mail. This […]

05 Jun

A Rank SEO Company

A friend was called yesterday by yet another dodgy SEO company. They called from 0161 9058460 which from an advert appears to be a company called Rank Right. They claimed that they were from Google and could get a site to the first page of Google for £99 per month. Having dealt with this sort […]

29 May

Copyright Notices in Code Files

My current joy: Doing a compare between an old and new version of two versions of a piece of software. This is the last minor release before the next major version number release. The developer has decided to update his address in the copyright section of almost 300 files. I am now having to go […]

15 May

Buyer Beware

Due to a combination of factors regarding scammy scummy business practices I remembered about this incident. A few weeks ago I get a knock at the door and it is someone from an energy company touting for business by trying to convince us to switch suppliers. I forget the exact figures but he asked me […]

23 Apr

First Search Consultancy

I was recently contacted by someone else who had received legal threats from First Search Consultancy. They have since edited and re-published their post about First Search Consultancy. I recommend reading it. Ryan also says he has a recording proving the claim made by a number of people online and in person that they say […]

15 Apr

Digital Economy Bill

I hadn’t noticed But Stewart Hosie (MP for Dundee East) voted for the Digital Economy Bill meaning that 100% of the SNP MPs who voted supported it. I have written to Jim Barrie (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the SNP in Dundee West) asking for his view on the bill (email sent on 15th April). Jim […]

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