Scoville Units Unite

13 Oct

I’m Certifiable

This year I went on my second training course in Manchester, of which I’ll write later. The second was to a course on Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications. The purpose to then sit the exam and achieve MCP status.

Last week I passed the exam and became a Microsoft Certified Professional.

This is also me a third of the way to the MCSD: Web Applications and a quarter of the way to the MCSD: SharePoint Applications specialisms. The first course was on Sharepoint so the possibility is there to sit the other mutual exam and then do 3 more to achieve two more qualifications.

It was really weird as I never had many exams at uni so jumping into one again was a bit of a culture shock. Unfortunately there is an NDA around the exam or that and the place you sit it would make an interesting post.

The culture shock was such that I actually had to resit. Thankfully another chunk of time spent revising meant I then passed.

There is an overwhelming amount of information out there so the studying I did was around the following areas.

Book for 20486

Microsoft Virtual Academy training and questions

Sample Projects – built the Facebook integration ones which was interesting.

Someones study guide

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