Scoville Units Unite

15 Apr

Digital Economy Bill

I hadn’t noticed But Stewart Hosie (MP for Dundee East) voted for the Digital Economy Bill meaning that 100% of the SNP MPs who voted supported it. I have written to Jim Barrie (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the SNP in Dundee West) asking for his view on the bill (email sent on 15th April).

Jim McGovern was too lazy to show up to the debate or vote either way. The vote had a 38.2% turnout. Look out for he and others lecturing in the media about vote apathy in the near future.

Speaking of Jim McGovern I had a letter from him.

A quick timeline
22nd March I write to him asking him to oppose DEB and what he intends to do.
7th April he doesn’t show up to debate.
7th April I get letter from him.

This letter was not to do with the DEB (still waiting Jim) but was his Election called, I’m not MP *cough* vote for me *cough* excuse to use up his branded stationary to all constituents. Pretty insulting right?

The content of the letter was even more so:

I will not be able to with constituency casework over the election period.


MPs are able to work on cases for constituents if the constituent understands they are not doing so as an MP and agree for them to continue on work.

So not only does he ignore my letter, he doesn’t turn up to the debate I was asking about and on the day of the debate writes to me with incorrect information.

3 Responses to “Digital Economy Bill”

  1. 1
    Scoville Units Unite » Blog Archive » Dundee West voters choice Says:

    […] in the West End so should he win there should be a by-election in the ward in the near future. I wrote to him 2 days ago about the Digital Economy Bill and have yet to have a […]

  2. 2
    Ryan Says:

    My MP also voted for this bill, despite not being at the second reading. I had quite a long back and forth e-mail and letter conversation with him about the pros and cons and pleaded with him not to allow it to be rushed through, but he went against constituent wishes and voted yes anyway.

    Full list:

  3. 3
    Alan G Says:

    Over the weekend I was clearing through some old letters etc and found some previous correspondance with my MP. It was over the DTI commissioning some company to make a website which had really appalling accessibility problems. He replied saying he had forwarded my concerns on to the relevent people and get back to me with their response. In the letter he used the phrase “I wouldn’t really call myself a technophobe, but…” so it’s probably for the best he isn’t voting on these kinds of issues

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