Scoville Units Unite

31 Oct

Letter to Jim McGovern

The contents of the letter I just to my MP

It is an outrage that your government have sacked Professor David Nutt. Surely the purpose of advisers is to give an experts opinion not to rubber stamp policy decisions by government taken not because of scientific evidence but in line with the opinions of the readers of the vile Daily Mail.

Perhaps your government can find a drugs adviser from the scientific school of Trofim Lysenko? It is bad enough that the government ignores the evidence from scientific study into the uselessness of the “war on drugs” and the huge positive gains to be made by prescribing heroin to addicts but to now sack advisers for stating that the facts are contrary to government policy is inexcusable.

Considering McGovern spent months on the payroll vote and his likelihood of being re-elected is zilch I doubt I’ll get anything positive back from him (as per usual).

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