Scoville Units Unite

02 Aug

Green Trilobita theme

Looking at styles for a blog, a friend liked the Green Trilobita theme by Trilobita.

They wanted the palette changed to blues though so I made modifications. I couldn’t see any licence, but assuming it was GPL‘d I’ll put the modifications here.

I changed the following files:


Added text Colours modified by Alan Graham to show I had modified it.


#left ul

border: 0px solid #00CCFF;
background-color : #00CCFF;

#left ul li.backLava


#left ul li a:hover

background-color : #0099FF;

#sidebar ul

border: 0px solid #00CCFF;
background-color : #00CCFF;

#sidebar ul li.backLava


#sidebar ul li a:hover

background-color : #0099FF;


background-color: #00CCFF;


background-color: #00CCFF;


color: #66CCFF;

h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover

color: #66CCFF;


border-bottom: 1px solid #66CCFF;

#sidebar #searchform #s, #sidebar2 #searchform #s

border: 1px solid #66CCFF;

#searchform2 #s2

border: 1px solid #66CCFF;


border: 1px solid #66CCFF;

#commentform fieldset

border: 0px solid #66CCFF;

#commentform input

border: 1px solid #66CCFF;

#commentform textarea

border: 1px solid #66CCFF;


border-top: 0px solid #66CCFF;

.commentlist li, .commentlist li.alt

border-bottom: 0px solid #66CCFF;


border: 1px dotted #66CCFF;


color: #66CCFF;

ol.commentlist li


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