Well I eventually gave up on SQL Server CE after suffering their install process again after installing Visual Studio SP1.
I did a review of most of the databases around and what I wanted to do with them. I spotted Firebird. Downloaded it and a GUI
. A GUI with the only option to hand edit the SQL. I then downloaded two others, one of which had a trojan in it the other didn’t work. Ho hum.
Having tried to experiment I settled on Access and XML.
Before delving into the shell of code I have sitting there I figured it would be more worthwhile to make a couple of wee demo games to re-familiarise myself with the process. Downloaded Microsoft XNA and the RPG Starter Toolkit. I figure I can do a tutorial on a space shooter (the hello world of games), then a micro RPG with say one dungeon and a couple of baddies or something. I can then think of the best way to implement the wee isometric RPG. I haven’t looked at the RPG Starter kit yet so don’t know if I should also attempt something a wee bit more ambitious after the initial run.
I think Cliché Quest could be quite fun – making fun of most of the RPG tropes.
In other random code stuff, the best two snippets of code I have come across lately are as follows:
(Obfuscated but not changing what they did, and no they weren’t written by me).
[code lang="csharp"] void Foo() { int a = 0; a = a + 0; } [/code]
[code lang="csharp"] String Foo() { StringBuilder theBuilder = new StringBuilder("a" + "b" + "c" + "d"); return theBuilder.ToString(); } [/code]