Scoville Units Unite

03 Jun

Keeping down the inbox count

Catching up on my blog list has been fun. I was reading about the policy of E-mail zero where you aim to keep your inbox at 0 e-mails at all times by constantly properly filing your mail. Having fallen behind around 2 years ago mines is ever growing. I figured going for RSS zero was a first step.

My RSS reader now has 64 unread posts in it down from a constant of around 800 a month ago. Basically I had been stuttering through every blog trying to catch up and failing. I decided to work my way down, getting one to zero then trying to keep it there, rinse and repeat.

I managed this on all but one blogs, which has around 40 left and another with 8. These are all pretty heavy reading articles so I am moving through these less slowly.

After that I will attempt to tackle the yahoo account inbox (currently 6000+ items, 200+ unread). To be fair I have had the account for over 10 years. Hopefully when I get it to zero I can consolidate the mail I have and what I get to decide if I keep it or move to a better mail system. Given the time it will take I might migrate to Google Wave, which looks fantastic

Anyhoo, this was a long diversion to post praising one of the blogs I keep an eye on. Max Dunbar regularly posts on a wide range of topics including book reviews. His review of Terry Pratchetts Small Gods is absolutely superb and bang on the money. First review in ages to remind me why I love a book, film etc.

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