Scoville Units Unite

17 Mar

Words Plus Plus

I dislike deliberate misspellings. There, I said it. Typos, mashing the keyboard, relying on a spell checker but not a grammar checker are all expected.

I rarely text and when I do I try to, on a shit keyboard, use correct spelling. I understand that two differs in meaning from to and too. I don’t understand compromising a 2 or 3 character word into 1. Paying by the character are we? R is a letter, are is a word.

From the ever reliable Wikipedia

Communication is commonly defined as “the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs…”, 1: an act or instance of transmitting and 3 a: “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior … also: exchange of information”.

It is thus with disdain I read of the imminent re-branding of the SciFi channel.

SciFi is an abbreviation of Science Fiction. The new name will be SyFy, which is not. Additionally, it sounds like an abbreviation of a venereal disease. Apparantly this is what the hip kids would abbreviate Science Fiction to.

SyFy barely comes up on a search and in fact doesn’t seem to appear before the last month or so.

Under what circumstances would you compress Science Fiction to SyFy? I don’t understand the International Phonetic Alphabet but would that not be a completely different pronunciation?

When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it … It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.

Let’s look at this:

Who are the techno savvy kids? Are they trying to appeal to dance music fans or something.

It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip


And finally: which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.

This is marketing fuckwit for which was our aim. Maybe he wants to touch base with someone offline to collaborate on a making yourself look like a twat solution.

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