Scoville Units Unite

01 Dec

Doff your Cap to yer Elders and Betters

One of the many reports

Various news agencies have reported on EC President Jose Manuel Barroso talking about Britain and the Euro.

I don’t mean this will happen tomorrow, I know that the majority (of British people) are still opposed, but there is a period of consideration underway and the people which matter in Britain are currently thinking about it

Democracy EU style as usual. No doubt if there was a vote against it another follow shortly after.

I don’t really care what currency I have in my pocket whether it’s Euros, Pounds Sterling or Scottish Pounds.

In other political news the Tories are spitting in their corn flakes about the arrest of Damian Green. They have now come to the conclusion that New Labour have a wee bit of an authoritarian streak about them and that the anti-terrorism laws are being abused. This from the self righteous hypocrites who were trying to decide whether people should be locked up for 28 or 90 days without charge, support locking up children in prisons before they are sent back to regimes where they face torture and excecution and stayed silent whilst the laws were used to attack Icelandic assets in the UK.

Yes it’s a bad thing but after the litany of attacks on democracy by both Labour and the Tories they are hardly able to complain.

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