Scoville Units Unite

25 Nov

Link: UGS

I was an early member of UGS, having user number 37 until a database cockup a while back (Thanks KJ!).

It originally started as a board about hip hop, then a well timed explosion of the Dundee music scene a number of years ago co-ordinated with the death of the Kerosene board due to Colin deciding he was too old to be a DJ meant it had a period of rapid growth and then a decline when social network sites started taking off and filled the space sites like UGS were taking advantage of.

It now seems to be diversifying a lot after being narrowly focussed on the Dundee rock scene for a while.

I can heartily recommend it for random stuff, happenings in Dundee, crap films, good films and loads of bitter late 20 and early something ranters about the state of the world.


I am trying to write a short piece about why I am linking to a particular site and what it means to me rather than adding a plethora of random links from the blog. This means I have to actually think about my association with them and if I can’t write a short paragraph about why I am linking to them then I can’t really expect any readers to be interested in them.

3 Responses to “Link: UGS”

  1. 1
    KJ Says:

    Hey man, glad to see you got your blog up and running, and thanks for the shout out!

  2. 2
    Col Says:

    Oi! I think you’ll find the Kerosene Board died because I felt everyone else was getting younger :p

    That and the Kerosene Community Forums were just becoming a comedy goldmine rather than a proper music forum.

    Wish I’d kept it going now just for the comedy value, but now I really am too old! 😀

    Col (aka DJ Col) (akaka Old Fart)

  3. 3
    Alan G Says:

    admit it, the real reason was the bandwidth bill for the thread about the holy citadel of Abergatvanistan

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